This website is a resource centre and due care has been taken by the members of the Firm in uploading information on the website. But the information provided herein is not, by any way, guaranteed to be correct in totality in all the manner of the provision for information. Subsequently, Anbay Legal will not accrue any liability, in any form whatsoever, for any kind of loss, in any manner whatsoever and by whatever term used, that might arise as a result of use of information herein.
The use of information shall be the sole responsibility of the visitor and the Firm does not intend to induce any kind of relationship, whatsoever, by use of such information. The information should further not be construed as legal advice on the matter concerned and even where recourse is made to the information provided herein, it is stricto sensu advised that the visitor must seek legal advice from a competent counsel.
Further, if the use of such legal advice in conjunction with any information provided for on this website leads to loss, in any manner whatsoever and by whatever term used, it in no way shall be the liability of Anbay Legal. That any and every information provided for in this website is the copyright of Anbay Legal and must not be used in violation of the law of the land in this regard. The reproduction and violative use of the material(s) would be a cause of action against such person (whether natural or artificial) across the globe.